Startup Testimonials: EON Accelerator Impact

Innovators Share Their Growth Journey with EON

Brief Overview

The EON Program is more than a competition. It's a launchpad for visionary entrepreneurs. By providing mentorship, resources, and funding opportunities, we empower teams to turn their innovative ideas into impactful realities. Each testimonial captures a unique story of transformation, showcasing the tangible benefits of the EON experience. Dive in and feel inspired.

EON Program Testimonials

Within these testimonials, you'll find the shared experiences of our EON program participants. Each team brings forth its unique journey, shedding light on the challenges they've navigated, the milestones they've achieved, and the transformative power of our program. Explore these narratives to grasp the true essence of the EON experience, as recounted by the very teams who've embarked on this adventure with us.


My experience with the EON program has been great. It has been a valuable journey that enriched our journey at Agonista. The program’s support and resources have been instrumental in our mission to empower individuals with intellectual difficulties. EON has played a significant role in our growth and success. Bloom team you are the best!


The experience was beyond our expectations. We’ve experienced a sense of community and support through everyone. It was a huge step for Darrebni to grow and network properly.


Joining the EON program was a game-changer for DonaLeb. We honed our marketing strategies and, crucially, mastered financial budgeting. The real magic, though, was in the supportive community. Sharing challenges and victories with fellow entrepreneurs made the journey incredibly enriching. The mentors provided invaluable insights that shaped our business. Grateful for the transformative experience and lasting connections!

Jedo App

Participating in the EON - Bloom Accelerator has been an eye-opening experience for us. The sessions provided us with invaluable insights into marketing and investment, helping us broaden our horizons and refine our strategies. What truly sets this program apart is its strong emphasis on social impact. It motivated us to reevaluate our approach and work toward a more socially responsible future. I highly recommend the EON - Bloom Accelerator to organizations seeking to enhance their marketing and investment strategies while fostering a meaningful social impact. It's a transformative journey that leaves a lasting mark on your business.

Lebanese Spotlight

My experience with EON was very helpful in building up my business plan, social media strategy. Testing and improving my work at LSL. It made me look at things from different angles, develop the strategy and capacity for our team.

The EON Program was awesome to the team. It helped us move forward in our business and to organize our work with structuring and planning. Highly recommend it.

Partners with Sun

When I first started the 3 months journey and met all the Bloom members and other startups, I felt the positive energy and supportive environment. Everyone was supportive, and the whole program was dynamic and helpful. Thank You!


Bloom team was a perfect environment for my growth. Everything was organized around the need of my startup. The balance between mentorship and applying what we are learning was perfect.

Discover the Teams of the EON Program

From mentorship to tangible results, the EON Program has been a cornerstone for entrepreneurial growth in Lebanon. Curious about the individuals driving this change? Learn more about our participant teams and their groundbreaking initiatives.

EON 2023 Demo Day: Witness Brilliance in Action!

Join us on October 31, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM Beirut time, for EON's Demo Day. Experience firsthand the innovative projects of our EON program participants, and witness the vibrant energy and creativity they're bringing to Lebanon's entrepreneurial landscape.


EON is a program of the From Innovation to Creation project funded by the European Union in collaboration with Spark and Bloom.


SPARK is an international non-governmental development organization active in 14 regions throughout the Middle East, North, and Sub-Saharan Africa. For over 25 years, SPARK has been creating pathways for young people to rebuild their futures. SPARK provides opportunities for youth, particularly women and refugees, to study, work and grow their own businesses in fragile communities by providing higher (vocational) education scholarships, entrepreneurship development, and SME support.

Bloom has supported entrepreneurship programs in the EuroMENA region for over 14 years and online and hybrid online &offline programs for 6 years, continually innovating our methods and tools to improve the learning experience for the participants, the growth of the enterprises, and our collective impact on our communities.