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Welcome to the Bloom Platform ... let's get growing! 🥳

Here are some quick steps and tips to set up your Bloom account and start working towards your goals. #letsdothis

Step 1: Create Your Account 🌻

• Sign Up: Click on the Sign Up button (upper right or top menu on mobile) to be guided through the registration process. (Or click here to log in or sign up.)

Step 2: Let's get growing! 🎯

The first step to growing is understanding where you are, and where you want to go.

Assess & Prioritize Your Growth

• Go to Growth Tab in your team workspace and click on to take the assessments that are most relevant for you and your team right now.

• Review Results and Set Priorities: Review your results to understand your strengths and areas for improvement, and set 1-3 priorities for team and individual growth, writing in brief descriptions for each priority area to help you, your team members, and your program managers or mentors focus on the key elements that are most important to you.

How to Leverage Bloom's Assessments for Team and Individual Growth

How Can the Growth Tab & Assessments Drive Team and Individual Development

Pro Tip 1: Team owners can choose which assessments assessments are visible for the team.

Pro Tip 2: Upgrade your team to access additional assessments, and to be able to download your assessment results to use in your own tool or with AI.

Free Team Assessments:

Enterprise Capacity

Evaluates 9 business operation categories.

Entrepreneurship & Leadership Skills

Covers 6 areas based on EntreComp.

Wellbeing & Engagement

Assesses 6 categories for health & thriving.

We'll be adding more assessments for paid teams soon.

Tip 1: Clear priorities increase your chances of success.

Tip 2: Team owners can select the assessments that are made available for team members to take.

Step 3: Take Action on Your Priorities 📚

It's easy to get lost in the whirlwind, while forgetting the priorities that will help you and your team grow. Remember to set aside time regularly for those critical growth activities.

• Explore the Bloom Library to find activities that align with your priorities (see Library overview here, or if logged in go to the Library in the Bloom App).

• Use Filters to find the most relevant activities.

• Add New Activities: Contribute your favorite activities to the Library to help the whole Bloom Community growh.

How to Enhance Your Learning Experience with Bloom's Activity Library

Task Board Usage:

Add Tasks

Add tasks that align with your priorities. Find suggestions that align with your priorities in the Bloom Library of Activities.

Team Collaboration

See colleagues' tasks and share feedback. You can suggest activities for them from the Library of Activities as well.

Track Progress

View your "Team Actions" to see the great stuff that your team is doing, or "Team Activities" to guide your team towards growth.

Stay Updated

Check notifications regularly.

Step 4: Join Growth Huddle Calls and Community 🙌

• Participatory Calls: Weekly support calls to get energy and support, and connect with other members of the Bloom Community.

• Join: Email for the invitation.

Access Community

Use the bottom left sidebar or upper right profile menu.


Participate in exciting events and opportunities.

Step 5: Personalize Your Team

• Team Settings: Go to Team Settings from the Hub or left sidebar.

• Add Members: Invite team members to join.

• Customize Profile: Add a team logo and set up basic settings.

Bonus! Upgrade to Pro Team ⬆️

• Additional Features: Access more tools and benefits.

• Early Pricing: Lock in early launch pricing.

How to Set Up Your Basic Team Settings in Bloom